

Mechanical steam traps

The mechanical trap uses the density difference between condensate and steam to make the float lift and drive the valve disc to open or close through the change of condensate level, so as to achieve the purpose of steam resistance and drainage. The mechanical steam trap has a small degree of subcooling, is not affected by the change of working pressure and temperature, and is discharged when there is water, and there is no water stored in the heating equipment, which can significantly improve the heat exchange efficiency of the heating equipment, and is an ideal steam trap for the heating equipment in the production process.

Hot-statical Force Steam Trap

Hot-statical force steam traps are usually composed of valve bodies, bonnets, springs, pistons, sealing rings and other components, and use the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction, as well as the superiority of water expansion at high temperature faster than steam, to form the working principle of traps. Wherein, there is a series of compression springs on the valve cover, the lower end of the spring is connected with the piston, and the upper end is connected with the valve cover, when the water level in the working medium is higher than the set value, the water will enter the valve body, push the piston to move up, and the compression spring makes the valve close; When the water level in the working medium is lower than the set value, the spring pushes the piston down, opens the valve, and discharges the water.

Hot-motive Force Steam Trap

The principle of hot-motive force steam traps is based on thermodynamics, and is usually used in steam heating systems, compressors and other equipment, playing the role of discharging excess water, and can be used at high temperatures and pressures, with more flexible and durable characteristics. When water in a steam heating system is heated, its density changes; When water is heated to a certain temperature, its density becomes relatively small, and water vapor is formed, which creates a certain pressure. Thermodynamic traps, on the other hand, take advantage of this pressure change to drain excess water. Specifically, the thermodynamic trap comprises a control valve, a thermal sensor and a drain hole, when a certain amount of water is accumulated in the system, the thermal sensor will perceive the change of the internal temperature of the system at this time, so as to change the opening and closing state of the valve; When the valve is opened, the water is automatically discharged.

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