

Exhaust steam recovery unit

The exhaust steam recovery device is based on the technical principles of vapor-liquid two-phase flow, liquid-liquid two-phase flow and venturi, through a complete set of precision automatic control devices, to recycle and recycle industrial exhaust steam energy-saving and environmental protection products. The reasonable installation and use of the device can not only effectively recover the exhaust steam and reuse it in the form of hot water to realize the cascade utilization of energy, but also reduce the thermal pollution and noise pollution to the environment, which is conducive to the implementation of energy saving and environmental protection.

宝鸡市| 百色市| 儋州市| 香港 | 天长市| 杨浦区| 嫩江县| 庆元县| 云梦县| 新河县| 平顶山市| 如东县| 平南县| 宁陵县| 兴安县| 含山县| 阜新市| 时尚| 定边县| 辉南县| 连平县| 海宁市| 城市| 五河县| 海原县| 临西县| 邯郸县| 昔阳县| 林甸县| 土默特右旗| 黎城县| 福海县| 邛崃市| 凤山县| 桑日县| 郧西县| 环江| 南昌县| 平乡县| 诸城市| 德令哈市|